“If you want to shine like a sun, first burn like a sun” – A.P.J. Abdul Kalam


There are many problems in the path of success. To succeed, you have to go through the many obstacles. If you want to shine like a sun, then you must be willing to burn like a sun.

Nothing grows in the place of comfort, If you really want a life as you imagine then you must be willing to work for it.


“Wieliczka” Salt Mine


Σε μια αλατένια εκκλησιά θα σε πάω και μη φοβάσαι κι αν βρέχει … εκεί το αλάτι δε λιώνει ……


The most beautiful, the most impressive, the most wonderful. The glow of crystal chandeliers illuminates here on the intricately carved floor. Breathtaking bas-reliefs and altars are a proof of extraordinary artistry. The Chapel of St. Kinga is the crown jewel of the “Wieliczka” Salt Mine and the miners’ pride. Continue reading