Καλλιεργώντας λαχανικά στο Νότιο Πόλο !!!

«Έξω, στον πάγο, η ησυχία είναι τόσο απόλυτη που μπορείς να ακούσεις το αίμα να περνά από τις αρτηρίες σου και τότε συνειδητοποιείς πως αυτό είναι το μοναδικό κομμάτι του πλανήτη που δεν ανήκει σε κανέναν», έγραψε η Sara Wheeler περιγράφοντας τους επτά μήνες που πέρασε στην Ανταρκτική, στο βιβλίο της «Terra Incognita».

Στο ερευνητικό κέντρο Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, όπου οι θερμοκρασίες φτάνουν πολλούς βαθμούς κάτω από το μηδέν (-60 και βάλε) οι επιστήμονες μελετούν… την κοσμική ακτινοβολία!

Ότι τρώνε όμως ότι καλλιεργούν μόνοι τους μέσα στο κέντρο ούτε που το είχα φανταστεί!!!!

5 comments on “Καλλιεργώντας λαχανικά στο Νότιο Πόλο !!!

    • Good morning Jo!!!

      Antarctic vegetables for space – Greenhouse created for the South Pole

      The menu for polar explorers in the Antarctic is not usually very exciting. Often, there are only durable goods, especially in the polar winter, when the researchers are cut off from the outside world for months. But by the end of next year, the EDEN ISS greenhouse will supply the German Neumayer III polar station with fresh fruit and vegetables. It will also test how fresh plant-based food could be cultivated on the International Space Station ISS and during future missions to the Moon and Mars. The not quite so everyday Antarctic container has arrived at the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) site in Bremen and its conversion into a self-sufficient biotope for salad, herbs, cucumbers and maybe even strawberries. DLR researcher Paul Zabel is already preparing for his extraordinary mission to the End of the World.

      Defying the Arctic winter

      A great deal of state-of-the-art technology is required to cultivate plants at the South Pole. “First of all, we need to provide the basic needs of the plants in the polar greenhouse, which cannot be taken for granted in the Antarctic,” says Zabel, of the DLR Institute of Space Systems. “Pipes to supply sufficient water, lamps to provide the right light and even filters and nozzles for a growth-promoting air mixture must first be laid and installed.” During the Antarctic winter, the environment is extreme and hostile to life. Temperatures drop to minus 30 degrees Celsius and no sunlight breaks the darkness of the polar night for months. The greenhouse has particularly effective insulation, as from December 2017 onwards it must defy Antarctic conditions.

      Plant cultivation without soil

      An essential factor for horticulture in extreme conditions is having the right water supply. Large water tanks are therefore installed in the floor of the greenhouse container.

      In the eternal ice, these are then filled with previously melted, filtered and purified water from the Neumayer III Antarctic station operated by the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI). “The water is not fed directly to the plants but is rather computer-controlled to add a special nutrient solution,” explains Zabel.

      “Every five to 10 minutes, the plants are sprayed automatically with the water-nutrient mixture so that they can be cultivated completely without using soil.”

      The process, called aeroponics, basically saves the transportation of large quantities of soil.


  1. Εντυπωσιακό! Κι αν χαλάσει το σύστημα, γίνονται στο τσακ Μπάρμπα Στ… (δεν κάνουμε διαφήμιση)!
    Όλα τα επικίνδυνα έβαλες σήμερα, Έφη! χαχαχα

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