Time orders Old Age to destroy Beauty – Pompeo Batoni


Πίνακας του Pompeo (Girolamo) Batoni (1708-1787): “Ο Χρόνος διατάζει τα Γηρατειά να καταστρέψουν την Ομορφιά” περ. 1746. The National Gallery of London.(Εθνική Πινακοθήκη Λονδίνου).


Time orders Old Age to destroy Beauty is a 1746 allegorical oil on canvas painting by the Italian artist Pompeo Batoni. It was commissioned from him by Bartolomeo Talenti, a collector from Lucca, as a pendant for La lascivia, now in the Hermitage Museum. It shows personifications of Time as an old man with a scythe, Old Age as an old woman and Beauty as a young woman. It came into the collection of the Russian count Nikolai Alexandrovich Kushelev-Bezborodko, before being acquired in 1961 by the National Gallery, London where it now hangs.



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Annual Cartoon Xira 2019 puts spotlight on Portuguese bullfighting


As Portugal’s bullfighting tradition is stirring a tense debate about outlawing it in the country. Cartoon Xira presented an exhibition of the Argentinian cartoonist Marlene Pohle’s unpublished drawings





Created during the 2018 festivities of “Colete Encarnado” (“Red Vest” – the colour of the vest of campinos – the local herdsmen and cowboys) the annual festival of Vila Franca de Xira that honours local herdsmen, lezíria (Tagus prairies) and bulls.

“I interviewed three local bullfighters and they told me their point of view. They are really fascinating stories. So let’s say it is not that I agree absolutely, but I do understand this philosophy more. It was very interesting.”

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Exploring Irish Harp Traditions


And tears are heard within the harp I touch

~ Petrarch


* Irish harp made by John Egan, 1840

The harp has been intimately bound up with notions of Irish identity for centuries, but how did this develop? Siobhán Armstrong reviews a new book that fills in some of the gaps in Ireland’s harp history. …. http://journalofmusic.com/focus/exploring-irish-harp-traditions