Can you run away….


You can run away from everything, but not your grave…..

Και θα συμπληρώσω επίσης και από τον ίδιο σου τον εαυτό χαχαχα!!!

And I will also fill “you can’t run from yourself !!!

*Sune Jonsson, Sweden :
Cemetry Worker,
Nyåker, Västerbotten.

Κράτα το

Tom Noddy’s Bubble Magic

Εγώ αγαπώ τους ανεπαίσθητους κόσμους,
τους αβαρείς και αβρούς,
σαν σαπουνόφουσκες.
Μ’ αρέσει να τους βλέπω να ζωγραφίζονται
από ήλιο και πορφύρα, να πετάνε
κάτω από το γαλανό ουρανό, να πάλλουν
κι αμέσως να σπάνε…
Ποτέ δεν κυνήγησα τη δόξα…

Never have I aimed for glory,
nor endeavored that my story
be for Memory destined.
I have loved my worlds appeasing,
subtly fleeting, gently pleasing,
all with bubbles of a kind.

«Cantares», του Antonio Machado και του Χουάν Μανουέλ Σερράτ

Tom Noddy’s Bubble Magic has been featured on televisions shows all over the world over the years. In some early performances Tom used cigarettes but that was long ago and he has developed a handheld fog generator whose fuel is food grade glycerin.

An episode of a BBC mathematics programme focused on the math of minimal forms and they asked if I could contribute. We set up in a small theater and exchanged ideas. They filmed the results and edited it beautifully into their programme. I’m very pleased with this one.


Giant fights and giant’s causeway – Το Μονοπάτι του Γίγαντα

“You are standing on, or are about to visit, one of my favourite places. The jewel in the crown of the fabulous coast of Antrim. A site of World Heritage and therefore ranked alongside Mount Everest and the Giant Redwoods of California for it’s importance to humankind.Volcanic activity helped Finn Mc Cool forge this wonder of the World some 60 Million years ago. It is today the habitat of rare plants and animals. Please treat their home with the pride and the care it deserves.” –   Dr David Bellamy


“The Giant’s Causeway is the aftermath of volcanic crashing, burning and cooling,” Eleanor explains. “An epic 60-million-year-old legacy to lava. Over 40,000 basalt columns. Interlocked.

“It’s no wonder this place is a Unesco World Heritage Site because beyond the mindboggling beauty, the Causeway is our portal into Earth’s most ancient past,” she concludes.

Giant fights

Finn is having trouble with someone across the water. The Scottish giant Benandonner is threatening Ireland. An enraged Finn grabs chunks of the Antrim coast and throws them into the sea. The rock forms a path for Finn to follow and teach Benandonner a lesson.


Bad idea – Benandonner is terrifyingly massive. Finn beats a hasty retreat, Continue reading